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First Aid Response to Alleged Abuse for all

What to do if abuse is suspected or disclosed as a child protection worker

  • If the child's clothes are evidence of the alleged abuse, leave the clothes as they are. Do not change clothes or destroy the clothes.

  • If the child's appearance is evidence of the alleged abuse example. wounds, blood, bodily fluids do not wash or clean the child if it does not put the child at risk. If first aid treatment is required, take pictures of the wounds and treat the child.

  • If the case is suspected rape or sexual abuse the child ought not urinate, wash or clean themselves in any way as it may destroy evidence.

  • Follow local protocol as to take the child to the police or hospital first to report, document and investigate the alleged abuse.

  • Re-read the safeguarding policy prior to starting an investigation.

  • Review the safeguarding form along with any other evidence submitted.

  • Interview the person who reported the concern.

  • Interview other key personnel (e.g. victim, victim’s parents, other witnesses, suspect etc).

  • Write a report of each interview (include date, time and as close to word for word as possible).

  • Assess the credibility of each report and the reliability of those interviewed.

  • Write a statement of findings.

  • Pass the statement along with all documents to the leadership team.

  • Respect the privacy of the person being investigated.

What NOT to do if abuse is suspected or disclosed

  • Discuss the situation/case with anyone outside of the appointed team.

  • Talk of the situation/case in areas where others can hear.

  • Make a judgment on the victim or person being investigated during the investigation.

  • Make decisions alone without other team members present.

Practical Tips

  • Listen to the child and keep calm.

  • Show care and that you are sorry this happened Ask open ended questions.

  • Thank the child for talking with you.

  • Tell the child the abuse is not their fault.

  • Explain briefly what you will do and who you will need to tell.

  • Write down the conversation word for word.

Hinder Not: A YWAM Ministry


Whilst the authors of this website have over 40 years of experience in the field of member care and safeguarding, they are not registered counsellers or social workers. The views, information, or opinions expressed on this website are solely those of the individuals involved and do not necessarily represent those of Youth With A Mission. 

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